By Danielle French

Best Nutritious Breakfast

Breakfast is a hard meal for me to get motivated to make. I also find it hard to feel nutritious about breakfast. If I didn’t have a daughter or two at home, I’m not sure I would even have breakfast myself even though I know that it is important to start off the day feeling good and healthy.

I love seeing all the different posts on social media of lovely yogurt and fruit layers, smoothies, delicious breakfast bowls. But we have these lovely chickens and I feel badly not enjoying and appreciating their hard work. Our hens lay in abundance. It is such a treat to have fresh eggs whenever we want them.

My daughter, Aubrey Rose has a soft-boiled egg for breakfast every morning before she leaves for school. There are times when I worry about cholesterol or making something else to stave off the boredom of the same breakfast all the time, but she loves them and I most often join her. They are healthy, full of vitamins, minerals and great proteins, low in calories and satisfying.

This is one of our favourite breakfasts, so easy to make and made very quickly.

Start with a lovely fresh egg if you can find one.

Start with cooking the spinach or perhaps more like wilting the spinach. I use a cast iron frying pan but any shallow saucepan or frying pan will do. Heat the pan and take a handful of fresh spinach leaves (or a box of frozen) and heat in the frying pan with a few tablespoons of water. Cover the pan for 3-5 minutes to soften the spinach leaves. Remove from heat.

Meanwhile, bring a small saucepan of water to a boil for the egg(s). Place the egg on a spoon and lower it into the water. Very fresh eggs need only 3 minutes but it could take up to 5 minutes depending on how long the egg has been sitting in its box in the refrigerator. Set a timer or you may have a hard-boiled egg!

I love a piece of our own fresh baked whole grain sourdough bread – even if it’s just a half piece – to top with jam or a little bit of the soft yolk. Place the spinach onto your plate with a spatula. When the eggs are finished, run cold water over the shells to be able to handle them. I cut the tops off and spoon out the delicious and warm insides over the spinach.

Butter your toast if you wish and any little fresh greens or herbs as a garnish and voila! A nutritious and easy way to start the day. I guarantee you won’t be hungry in an hour.

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