By Danielle French

Earth Day

Today is a big day for us at South Pond! It is April 22nd, 2017 – also known as Earth Day!

If you are unfamiliar with Earth Day, or more specifically Earth Day Canada, I strongly urge you to check out their website here. Earth Day challenges people all around the world to reconnect with nature and commit to environmental conservation.

In the name of environmental conservation and eco stewardship, we are excited to share some of our own sustainable initiatives with you! At South Pond, we are working hard to ensure that we are conducting our business with an environmental conscience. We currently participating in a number of environmentally friendly initiatives, but 2017 is a particularly exciting year for us as we further our acquisition of green technology.

As you can imagine, as a large scale event venue there is inevitably food waste. We do our best to mitigate this waste and have always been advocates for compositing however, until this year- we had no way of composting animal protein and dairy. I am thrilled to report that thanks to our very own sustainability consultant Carlyle Apps, we have purchased the Bokashi meat and dairy composter! This powerful anaerobic device will ensure that no morsel of food waste is left behind and the remenants is used as fertalizer for the garden.

Coupled with our schnazzy new fermentor, our on going commitment to local farmers and local food is another major component of our sustainability initiative. Shopping locally cuts down on carbon dioxide and exhaust emissions that are by-products of transportation. By reducing our ‘food miles’ we are reducing our carbon footprint!

On top of our regular efforts to reduce, reuse and recycle, this year we are working to instil a sense of appreciation for Mother Nature with a brand new event series; Seasons on the Moraine. Join us at the farm this season to learn about the ecosystems on the Moraine! Each session strives to connect individuals with nature- if you are looking to learn something new; or simply to sample some fire side snacks, make sure you register as spaces are filling up fast!
Seasons on the Moraine at South Pond Farms
Today, over a billion people will be celebrating Earth Day worldwide! We would love to hear how you are paying tribute to our fine planet on this great occasion! Feel free to share your stories by emailing

Happy April 22nd Earthlings!

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