It’s heerrreeee… holiday treats, large dinners, indulgent baking and seasonal snacks- the days of rich feasting are upon us! I don’t know about you, but I am foodie in every sense of the word. I love food, especially holiday food but if you are like me, unrestricted indulgence is a sure fire way to experience gastric dissension in one form or another. Having struggled with intestinal issues for most of my adult life I know that without a bit of balance, the holidays can trigger a world of pain. Luckily, some of the best remedies for unwelcome tummy turbulence come from delicious whole foods that you probably already have in your fridge! One such food is ginger root. Ginger has long been touted for its range of medicinal properties and has been used to aid in a range of ailments from arthritis and muscle aches to indigestion and constipation. It has antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti inflammatory properties which makes it inherently “Christine Friendly”. I enjoy ginger in its many forms but hands down one of my favourite ways, is in soup!
Last week we put our heads together at South Pond and with the help of our wonderful chef, we came up with this delicious tummy taming soup. It’s seasonal, it’s vegetarian and it’s made with less than ten ingredients!
- 2 cups peeled and diced butternut squash
- 2 diced onion
- 1 stalk diced celery
- 2 tbsp minced ginger
- ¼ cup brown sugar
- 1 tsp cayenne pepper (reduce if you prefer less spicy- one teaspoon delivers a serious kick)
- 500 ml vegetable stock
- Salt and pepper to taste
Chop onions and celery; add to large pot with one tablespoon of oil ( I recommend coconut oil as it can be cooked at high temperatures without losing its nutritional value)
Allow onion and celery mixture to simmer over medium heat for approximately 5 minutes stirring regularly.
Add two tablespoons of minced ginger root, keep stirring to ensure that ginger does not burn.
Once the onions appear translucent add vegetable broth, diced squash, brown sugar, cayenne, salt and pepper to taste.
Keep soup at a low boil for twenty minutes.
Mash/puree mixture until desired consistency is reached.