I love rainy days here at the farm. The air is moist, the smells from the crops, flowers and herbs, the cedars all seem to float low in the air and it is a wonderful thing. I think all the celebrations that take place here are beautiful, but ones held in rain or “gloomy” weather have a very special beauty. Sometimes there is fog or mist adding a romantic and mysterious beauty you can’t re-create, sometimes the rain comes down so hard on the metal roof it creates it’s own drama and romance. Sometimes you have a near tornado forcing emergency food service in the middle of the barn! Guests always seem to take these things in stride. It is after all a farm, a celebration outdoors with the barn as shelter.
We always hope for nice weather. The walk down the outdoor isle to waiting guests is what we envision, but it’s hard to control what we can’t control – no matter how hard we all try. I remember one wedding where as the bride looked pleadingly out the cottage window for a change in the rain while her guests waited in the barn. After her acquiescing nod, we simply relocated the tables, placed all the flowers on the bar and filled any empty spaces with candles. Guests parted a centre space and when the bride and groom walked inside from waiting under umbrella’s, it was magical. And honestly, I remember it being such a wonderful celebration.
Or when it rained so hard on the tin roof, people danced all the harder and more lively or when our first day of filming for the new TV show, A Taste of the Country was underway and it began to rain in the middle of the ceremony. Looking at the show now, guests were just happy to be part of the celebration, no one was (or showed signs of) stressed, it was just the way it was that day and it certainly didn’t change the loveliness of the wedding or the enjoyment of the guests.
There is no question, sunny skies, warm sun makes us all feel happy, but a dark and stormy is dramatic and requires us to just shift expectations and relish in the drama. Remember, rain on a day of celebration symbolizes fertility, unity, renewal and luck! And, it makes for really great wedding photos.