By Danielle French

The End of the Season

Wedding Season has come to a close yet again at South Pond Farms. I can’t believe it has been 3 years now since I started hosting weddings at the farm. Oh my how so much has changed since those early days!

As serendipity would have it, we rounded out the season with some very special touches and surprises. Ashley and Rainer were our last Friday wedding, and they were pure joy from the moment we met them right through to the hugs they shared with us at the end of their wedding day. Have you ever met someone who just beams with joy to the point that you can’t help but be in a good mood when they are around? Well that is Ash & Rainer. So much so, that I’m pretty sure every time Amy came back from having a meeting with them she would exclaim, “I just love them!” as she walked through the door. I myself of course can’t seem to help but have an affinity for someone who incorporates a little piece of their German background into their wedding and with Rainer’s family present, this was definitely the case, right down to the table numbers being written out in German.

Ryan and Kathryn’s wedding followed the next day. As a couple who was involved in the not-for-profit sector (Ryan working for a period of time with Free the Children / Me to We) you might expect a few colleagues and friends who have similar interests as well, but I am still in awe of the sheer number of amazing people who I had the opportunity to meet that night. Each and every one of them passionate about various causes and with a vested interest in leaving the world a better place than they found it. I think we all felt a little more inspired at the end of the evening. What a testament to Kathryn and Ryan that their lives are filled with such incredible people. One guest in particular, was a long time friend of both myself and Amy (from our lives before working together!) who decided not to tell us they were coming in hopes of surprising us. Well they sure did, and what a wonderful surprise it was!

There is always a sense of nostalgia at the end of the season and as much as we look forward to things quieting down, I must admit that I am always a little sad. Staff that has become family return to school. Joyous laughter no longer fills the barn every weekend. The hectic pace that we learn to thrive on turns to stillness. Our home that we have shared with so many people returns to being just our little corner of the world – for now at least, as it won’t be long before we begin getting ready for next year.

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