By Danielle French

Wedding Decor & Design

This past couple of weeks have been an exciting time for us.

Firstly, our final “bride and groom tasting” was on April 4th. We did not actually “taste” the brides, but had a wonderful day of brides and grooms here to “taste” the food planned for the summer! It was another day of snow and mud in the Hills but inside, we had the fires going and DJ extraordinaire, PeterSt. Patrick Francis was pumping out great tunes! With us that day again was Jen of J. Arends Designs, baker Jennifer Arnold of The Sweet Kitchen and Lindsay Ross who designs beautifully memorable signs as The Sign Girl. Another great addition was former South Pond bride Sarah Amberley. Sarah’s wedding last year was featured in June Bug Weddings; the décor from that day is one of the most asked-about when new brides come to visit.

Sarah is a certified event and wedding planner and offers individual consultation to brides who would like to have more than the canvas of their venue.

In our world of Pinterest and Google, it is sometimes overwhelming to envision how everything can come together for that special day. Sarah can help make decisions in planning and designing décor that will make the occasion romantic and sparkle. She is filled with interesting ideas and has access to a wide array of decor. I know that when it came to her own wedding, Sarah was on top of every detail, organized and committed to the look she wanted.

Here at South Pond, we do much of the wedding planning, but added decor is a specialty and Sarah would be happy to meet with you. She can be contacted at ( or by telephone (416-333-8136).

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