How did we get here? I found myself pondering this less than existential question while looking out the window this morning at the blowing snow. There’s no doubt about it, the days are shorter, the temperature is colder and I am officially behind on my holiday preparations – all sure signs that winter is near.

Despite my type A characteristics, I have always been a first class procrastinator- there’s just something about urgency, coupled with a pinch of desperation, that pushes me to produce some of my best work. Don’t get me wrong, living on the edge isn’t for everyone (I hear my husband laughing as I write this), but if you find yourself on the cusp of the holidays frantically trying to pull together catering, event space, and of course, gifts for the special people in your life- let us help!

We can provide fresh farm to table food, the ambiance of the bethany hills and hello, have you checked out our online store? Nothing says Christmas like cranberry salt and infused caesars am I right?

It is not too late to give your friends, family and colleagues the holiday celebrations they deserve. Whether its catering you are after, or a private gathering at our beautiful Ranch house; we have options for you! So, take a deep breath, throw on some Michael Bublé classics and enjoy the season because we have you covered!

Photos from Mark Ridout Photography